Donating Shoes & Coats

This tarted by “accident.” During the months leading to the July 2014 mission, people started donating shoes and clothing and we accepted their donations.

The need

Due to our missions to Guatemala, we had witnessed the needs of children to keep warm during the winter months. The climate in rural, mountainous areas that we serve is very extreme. Most children that live in these areas wear clothes and shoes that are either torn or too small for them. 

Clothing and shoes may be a trivial part of life. Something that may be taken for granted by many. However, we know that the children we serve barely afford the bare necessities and clothing and shoes are a luxury they cannot afford.

Putting generosity to good use

When the word got out that we were helping children, people started randomly donating children clothes. We accepted them! We knew these could be put to good use. As a result, we have been collecting winter clothes and shoes since 2014.

Our mission is to help children get to school! If they are dressed properly, we know they have a better chance to get an education.

We help keep children warm with winter clothes; and if they go to school by foot, then shoes are their way to get an education!

If you have something you wish to donate, please contact us, 713-364-4891. We will pick-up!